
@ 山米loveissammi  



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Park Yoochun who is appearing in Miss Ripley has ascended into a “Happy Cutie Pie” in the filming set of the drama. He has taken the role of the successor to an international resort group, Song Yoohyun, in the drama and is acting with a warm voice and bright smile. The talk by the set affiliates is that his appeal is not merely emitted in the drama but also that it continues into the filming set. During times of rest when there is no filming or during times of waiting, he is said to reveal his unique cuteness and to make a half-moon-eyed smile all the time to make the set into a sea of laughter. 不只在劇中,他在休息時間的拍戲現場也有溫暖的嗓音和明亮的笑容,據說他總是展露出他獨特的俏皮和笑起來時半月型的眼睛,讓劇組成為一片笑海。Kim Seungwoo, who is a sunbae of many years, is said to be fond of Park Yoochun. He is showing a personality that is polite but also friendly to the sunbaes and the staff of the set. In particular, it is said by the staff that because of his attentiveness his popularity among the female staff is tops. 多年的老前輩金承佑據說很喜歡樸有天,因為他表現出他是個很有禮貌的人,尤其是他也對前輩和工作人員很友善。聽說因為他的周到與殷勤,他在女性工作人員裡最受歡迎。Source: Kyunghyang




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