在 토끼돼지 (這個親辜從FB看是這個名字.部落格名字因為我不會打韓文所以...) 部落格看到一篇文章..因為是英文但是他有連結在好奇之下連過去..在用骨狗稍微翻一下...疑!!!這篇不錯..不過我英文只在查單字階段..一篇文章要完整才會有連貫性..就拜託了高手Anne...咱們米G飯..(不懂?就是朴米奇+GIGI拉).愕扯遠了..咱們英文高手幫我翻譯...還說文詞不順..我看很順阿..英文差是我的弱點阿..上次麻煩了小魚幫我翻譯歌詞..這次麻煩Anne..下次要荼毒誰???
Posted on March 29, 2011 by Yunarf
Dear Cassiopeias, Geminis, Orions, OT5′s, ‘JYJFamily’, ‘HoMin fans’, or whatever you wish to be called,
Please read the following with open eyes, and open hearts. Save your comments until you’ve read, and the words have sunk in.
None of us need reminding of the reason there is a lot of fighting. It’s a painful thing for each of us. But right now, all we’re doing is making it more painful.
我相信不用多說大家都知道有很多的紛爭 這對我們每個人而言都是很傷痛的 但現今我們所做的事卻讓事情變的更傷更痛
People have been hurt over this, some people have done the hurting. There is no doubt in my mind, that at some point we have caused the five pain also. I doubt as though they want us to fight.
因為這樣 有人因此而受到傷害 有人則製造了這些傷害 無庸置疑的
我們對於五隻在某些地方也已造成傷痛 我懷疑他們五個...會想要我們去爭吵嗎.
Right now our fandoms have a very bad image. I was talking to a friend of mine who used to be a fan of TVXQ, but hasn’t been since the fans started fighting.
我跟我朋友之前正在談論<現在我們的粉絲給外界一個非常不好的形象>這件事 (朋友曾經是東神飯,而從東神飯們開始爭吵鬥爭之後她就不是了)
She became extremely embarrassed to see the things being said. She’s a dedicated VIP and E.L.F, and she told me that… the fandom, Cassiopeia, Gemini, Orion– whatever you want to call us–
have an extremely bad image. People think we’re rabid, and antisocial. They think we can’t have an adult debate and conversation, they think we can’t accept opinions, get over people who we don’t agree with, and move on.
看到事情被這樣說 她變的非常尷尬 她是一位完全投入的VIP與E.L.F,她告訴我歌迷:仙后,雙子座,獵戶座,OT5或任何你們喜歡的稱呼,已經有極差的形象了.人們覺得我們是激進的,反社會的,他們覺得我們不能以成年人的方式來辯論或對話,不能接受意見.對於我們不認同的想法我們是無法坦然也無法繼續往前.
They are right.
Because right now, as a collective, the fandom seems like a group of five year olds at a birthday party, fighting over who gets to play with the only toy.
因為現在,身為一個共同體,飯們似乎就像 ~一群在生日派對上為了要搶玩那唯一的玩具而爭吵的五歲孩子們
Cassiopeia, where is your pride? You, we, are a powerful fanbase. The biggest in the world. Once upon a time, we were respected. Where is our pride, when a lot of Cassies, won’t admit they are Cassies? Where is our warm family that used to love each other? When they cried, we cried, whey smiled and laughed, we smiled and laughed. Where are the fond memories we have? And please understand, loving all five is hard for some people these days so they can not be forced to love that which their heart does not!
仙后們,你們的驕傲在哪裡? 你們,我們是一個強而有力的粉絲基地,是全世界最強大的粉絲群 曾經,我們是被尊敬的.
我們以前那樣愛護著彼此的家人到那去了? 當他們哭泣,我們也會流淚,當他們微笑或開心的大笑,我們也會一樣的微笑或大笑,
JYJ Fans, where are your manners? And your grown up attitudes? You’re on the hard end of the fight, to win you have to grow up and learn how to have adult, civilised conversations and debates. Life is one big debate, if you cry and get angry over tiny little things… then you’re not going to get very far. You react so fiery to even the smallest of comments and that makes things worse. Sometimes, you have to know when it is better to keep quiet than it is to speak up. Stop reacting to every little thing– you want to protect the three, we know that, but you embarrass yourselves as much as you do the rest of us!
JYJ飯們,你們的風度呢? 你們長大了的態度呢? 你們是站在困難戰鬥的終點啊,該贏回你們必須長大與學著如何有成人的文明對話與辯論~生命是一場大的辯論會,如果你們對著細微的小事就哭喊,生氣....那你們將無法走很久遠的. 你們的回應太激烈,即使是你們一個小小的激烈評論都會讓事情更糟的 有時候,你們必須知道言者不如智者默的道理 停止對每件小事回應的行為~我們了解你們想要保護三隻的心情 但是如果你們愈是對別人這樣,相對的,也會讓你們自己的處境變的愈尷尬
HoMin fans, where are your hearts? We understand you are in pain, no one wants you to be in pain. We’re all in pain, but that’s no reason to lash out at us, or at JYJ. We know you feel betrayed and confused, we all feel betrayed and confused. But we have more in common than you would think. You don’t have to support JYJ, but it would be nice if both sides of fans could get along and set a good example. You want HoMin to succeed right? They won’t unless you show a good example for new fans.
浩珉飯們,你們的心在哪? 我們了解你們處於傷痛中,沒有任何人希望你們受傷的,我們都一樣在痛苦的深淵~但那不能成為你們去痛打我們或JYJ飯們的理由. 我知道你們覺得被出賣了也困惑了,我們也都覺得被背叛且困惑著. 其實我們的共同點其實比你所想到的還要更多,你們無須去支持JYJ 但是如果兩方的飯都能好好相處且成為一個好榜樣 那將是最好的
Ot5 fans. What do I say here? You often take things too far. You’re upset too, we know. We’re in pain also. We have cried, but we have gotten back up. Life will knock you down, but you can chose to get back up. Did you not once say you would support all five? Have you forgotten that? Maybe you don’t like JYJ, maybe you don’t like HoMin either, maybe you only like TVXQ. That’s fine, but please stop hurting both sides. And please note, yelling inappropriate things at concerts and interviews is just disrespectful and childish.
生命會擊倒你 但你可以選擇重新站起來 你們以前不是說過要支持五個的嗎?還是你們已經忘了?也許你們不喜歡JYJ,也許你們也不喜歡浩珉,也許你們只喜歡TVXQ,那沒關係的,但是請停止傷害兩邊.還有請記住,在演唱會上喊一些不適當的話或提問不僅很失禮也很幼稚
We all want them to succeed, but how can they when we can’t support them? When we’re divided by fighting, we can’t focus on them. When we have so many hateful things in our hearts, how can you truly love them?
我們都希望他們成功 但是如果我們不支持他們 他們要怎麼成功? 當我們因鬥爭而分裂 就無法專心關注他們.
當我們心中有這麼多可恨的想法 那又怎麼能稱為真心的愛他們?
I’m not saying for an instant that either side is right, and I’m not saying either side is wrong. The lawsuit is not our burden, and none of us know the full truth– and we will probably never, ever know the full truth. All we can do is listen to our hearts, smile and support those we love.
我不是轉瞬間就說誰是誰非. 訴訟不是我們的沉重負擔 我們之中沒有任何人了解所有的實情
- 未來我們可能不會,永遠也不會知道全部的實情.
We don’t have to support all five, and we don’t have to be best of friends. But can we not get along? Why must we fight? There is enough fighting out in that cold, harsh world. How do we cope if we’re fighting with friends who we once embraced and cried with?
我們不一定得支持全部 我們也不一定要當最好的朋友 但是我們難道不能好好相處嗎? 爲什麼我們非得鬥爭呢? 這個冷酷的世界已經存在著太多的戰鬥了,真的,夠了! 要對著曾經一起擁抱著,哭泣的朋友發出戰帖 請告訴我-要怎麼作?
We’re all as much to blame as the people sitting across from us! Please understand that not one of you is right, and not one of you is wrong. You’re standing up for something you love, and that’s a beautiful thing– but when it’s at the cost of other people’s feelings, surely you understand it’s best to… take a break?
對於坐在我們對面的人們 我們責怪的已太多! 請了解 你們並非是對的 也不盡然是錯的.
你們只是為你們所愛的人支持著~而那是個美好的事--但是當你們要去消費他人的看法時 最好是~你們確實知道的-先休息一下?
Right now we have to accept the likelihood of five ever being one again is very low. We can keep hoping, and we can keep the faith, but we have to accept that this whole thing probably goes deeper than what we understand and see. Stop trying to punish each other for their choices, and stand back and let them get on with what they want to. Time is the best healer, it really is, but for wounds to heal, they also need air. Take some steps back, stop trying to stop the growth of the others. In time, things will become easier. For now we just have to accept that… things are as they are, but we can make it easier now if we stop fighting.
現在我們必須接受五個合體的可能性非常低. 我們可以持續盼望 可以繼續保持著信念 但我們必須接受..這整件事可能比我
理解的看見的還要深遠. 請停止譴責他們任何一個作的選擇 退一步吧 讓他們可以繼續做自己想要的事.
時間是最好的良藥 它真的是, 但是要讓傷口癒合 也需要空氣的. 往後退幾步吧 不要再阻礙他們成長了. 總有一天,事情會變的較容易些的. 現在我們只需要接受事情....就是這樣了.~ 如果我們現在停止戰鬥的話 事情會變的更容易些的
We have the rites to support who we want to support, but we do not have the rites to make another person suffer for the things their heart tells them. In no way am I saying to paper over the whole thing with fake smiles! But please understand that if you’re in pain, so are others.
我們有想要支持誰的選擇權 但是我們沒有權力去讓那些衷於自己真心的人感到痛苦
我現在想說的是 我不要以虛假的笑容來掩飾所有的事!
請了解 如果你在受苦 其他人也是一樣在承受著痛苦
I know it’s futile saying these things, because no one will listen, or they will just attack me for saying these things, but I have to get them off my chest. If even one person steps back for a bit and realises how much of our pain, is inflicted by our fighting, then I will be happy.
我知道也許說這些也是枉然, 因為沒有人會聽的,更甚者會因我說這些話來怦擊我 但我實在不吐不快
如果有人 或許能 往後退一點點 也許會理解我們因鬥爭遭受的苦 有多傷 有多痛
如果真有人能夠理解 那麼 我會因此而感到幸福的
Yours faithfully,
A Cassiopeia who misses a lot of her friends.
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